Bodker, Ramsey, Andrews, Winograd & Wildstein honored with Atlanta Bar Association Award
Bodker, Ramsey, Andrews, Winograd & Wildstein received the Atlanta Bar Association’s 2019 Small Firm Service Award. The award recognizes law firms that provide significant service, participation and leadership within the organization. The award was accepted by Harry J. Winograd during the Bar’s Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon on May 21, 2019. Steve Andrews, Brian Bodker, Jamie Cheattom, Tim Ramsey, Tom Rosseland, Harry Winograd, and Jessica Wood anchored the BRAWW table at the Luncheon. BRAWW has been active in the Atlanta Bar since the firm’s founding in 1986. All BRAWW attorneys are Atlanta Bar members (100% Club), and many of our attorneys have held leadership positions. Jessica was inducted by Senior Judge Philip Etheridge to serve on the 2019-2020 ABA Board of Directors. Tom serves as current Chair of the ABA’s International Section. Tim previously was Chair of the Real Estate Section, and Brian was Chair of the Tax Section. Harry headlines popular CLE’s, including the Corporate Counsel Section’s recent program on attorney-client privilege.